DC Drives
T-T Electric offers two ranges of drives. The range TT/X for DC motors and the range TT JL/X for slip ring motors. The all-digital drives provide a fast-response over the full speed range. The 4 quadrant drives can motor in forward and reverse and regenerate energy into the mains supply when braking.

State of the art drives for optimum speed control.
- 2 ou 4 quadrants
- Up to 500 VAC standard input
- 600 V AC / 690 VAC optional
- Up to 980kW output
- 17 digital inputs
- 8 analogue inputs
- 7 digital outputs
- 4 analogue outputs

TT and TT/X drives
- 5 ultra-compact frame sizes
- Up to 2250A output

TT JL/X drives
- 3 frame sizes
- Up to 1680A output
- 150% overload for 25s as standard
- 250% overload for 25s optional

TT drives flyer
- Our drives can be dispatched 72 hours after reception of your order.